Flipping operations are not permitted

Dear Instructors,

“Please take note that a DTO conducting flight training may not conduct flipping operations as defined in CAR96.01.1(7) as this is not a training flight and would be a contravention of CAR141.08.1(1) & (2) and CAR 141.08.2(1)a) liable to enforcement action under CAR 185.01.2(g).” – Blake Vorster, Head of PEL-Training.

The relevant regulations are quoted below:

CAR96.01.1 (7)  For the purpose of sub-regulation (3), flipping is defined as the carrying of fare-paying passengers for the purpose of sight-seeing, and such operations shall be restricted as follows—
(a) flights shall commence and end at the same aerodrome or helicopter landing site without any intermediate landing, and without any disembarking taking place by any means while the aircraft is in flight;
(b) the duration of flights shall not exceed one hour of flight time; and
(c) the number of passengers carried, whether fare-paying or carried for free, shall not exceed nine.
141.08.1 (1) This Subpart is applicable to a DTO which is approved by the Director to provide training required for the issuance of a licence or rating issued under Part 62, Part 68, Part 69 and Part 105.
141.08.2 (1)  The Director may approve a DTO to provide—
(a) aviation training for the purpose of a student making application for the issuance of a licence, rating, authorisation, certificate, endorsement or approval in terms of Parts 62, 68, 69 and 105; or
(b) aviation training for purpose of a licence holder exercising the privileges obtained in paragraph (a).
(2) A person may not operate as a DTO—
(a) without a valid DTO certificate issued under this Part; or
(b) in violation of a DTO certificate.
185.01.2   A person commits an offence if that person—
(a) hinders or obstructs an authorised officer, inspector or authorised person in the exercise of his or her powers or the performance of his or her duties;
(b) when called upon by an authorised officer, inspector or authorised person to do so, refuses or fails to give his or her name and address, or gives a false name or address;
(c) obstructs or impedes any other person acting in the exercising or performance of any privileges, powers or duties conferred on such other person by or under the regulations;
(d) makes or causes to be made, either orally or in writing—
(i) any fraudulent, misleading or false statement for the purpose of obtaining any licence, rating, certificate, permit, approval, authorisation, exemption or other document in terms of the regulations;
(ii) any fraudulent, misleading or false entry in any logbook, record or report which is required to be kept, maintained, made or used to show compliance with any provision of the regulations;
(e) falsifies, counterfeits, alters, defaces or mutilates, or adds anything to, any licence, rating, certificate, permit, approval, authorisation, exemption or other document issued in terms of the regulations;
(f) does or causes, or permits to be done or caused, any act contrary to, or fails to comply with, any provision of the regulations, or a direction given or a prohibition made or a condition imposed or a rule, order or directive made in terms thereof;
(g) exercises a privilege granted by, or uses, any licence, rating, certificate, permit, approval, authorisation, exemption or other document issued under the regulations, of which he, she or it is not the holder;
(h) unless otherwise authorised in the regulations, permits a licence, rating, certificate, permit, approval, authorisation, exemption or other document issued under the regulations, of which he, she or it is the holder, to be used, or a privilege granted thereby, to be exercised, by any other person;
(i) operates or attempts to operate any aircraft in respect of which no valid certificate of registration and valid certificate of airworthiness have been issued;
(j) commits any act, whether by interference with any flight crew member, ATS personnel member or AME, by tampering with any aircraft, or any part thereof, or by disorderly conduct or otherwise, which is likely to endanger the safety of any aircraft or its occupants;
(k) without the permission of an aerodrome or heliport operator, enters any place within the boundaries of a licensed aerodrome or heliport which has been closed to the public;
(l) gives false information pertaining to the investigation of any aviation accident or incident; and
(m) contravenes any provision of the Act and these Regulations.