SACAA Disclosure of Personal Information

The South African Civil Aviation Authority has disabled the licence portal for pilots due to a potential disclosure of pilot’s personal information.

As per the SACAA press release:

“The SACAA has taken down the portal with the licence holders’ personal information as a result of the latest occurrence where some of the current card holders have given access to the information of other licence holders through the use of the URL address.

The ICT security team is addressing this as a matter of urgency. In the meantime, card holders can still access their information via the eServices portal that was given to the licence holders when they were issued with the cards. Licence holders need to register on the link within 3 days of being issued with the cards or contact Client Services to extend the validity of the login credentials.

The SACAA would like to caution aviation personnel to avoid using the card to illegally share the personal information of others without their consent. The SACAA will notify the industry when the portal is up in due course.”

Read the official Press Release.