Grassy slopes, landing fields everywhere, gentle thermals and regular climbs make this a perfect site for beginners. Conditions are milder here than the strong thermic flying experienced further inland.
Site Rules
- No flying without a club representative on site
- Site check-in is mandatory
- Site briefing is essential to all first time visitors
- Right = right
- Pilots on collision course give way to right
- Pilot approaching from right has right of way
- Lower pilot has right of way
- First pilot to enter thermal dictates direction of turning
- Give way to others during and after turning
- Overtake on inside of ridge
- Do not cram take off if others are waiting to launch
- No student ground handling on launch
- No smoking permitted on launch
- No open fires permitted (gas braais allowed)
- Please remove all your trash when you leave
- Keep gates closed
- Avoid landing in planted fields unless deviating is dangerous
- No vehicle entry to landing site except for hang glider retrieval
- North (N) to East-South-East (ESE)
- GPS: +- S25o29.6’ E30o18’
- Altitude: 230m high, 1510m ASL.
- Airspace: No airspace in reach.
Gentle, round grassy hill-slope, large layout area and a roofed shelter.
Directly below takeoff, beside the retrieval road. Massive grassy field. You could land blindfolded (as long as you have a dog on a leash so you know when to flare).
From Pretoria / Johannesburg +- 200 km on N4. Turn left 5km past Machadodorp on Schoemanskloof road. Proceed 5km and turn left at Goedewil sign. This last section of provincial dirt road to the site could damage cars with very low ground clearance and can be very slippery in wet season. Site 9 km further on right. The alternative bottom route via Goedehoop is much better.
Site fees. Visit house No.12 near landing, sign register, collect the key.