Buffels Bay

Soaring on Sand dunes


  • GPS: +- S34o05’ E22o58.58’
Satellite image of Buffalo Bay
Satellite image of Buffalo Bay


  • Strong South East (SE)
  • Wind is needed to safely take off.
  • Beware of being blown backwards into houses
  • WARNING: Often there is a strong wind gradient with the wind increasing sharply with height. Beware of the venturi on both sides of the hill and ensure your speedbar is properly prepared.

Launching and Landing

The small official and best take off (https://maps.app.goo.gl/z5K6Fmr6FhsoX6dV6) is 500m NNE from the Buffels Bay beach car park. Follow the Buffels Bay trail on the left for 50m. Don’t block the tiny launch if you don’t intend to take off.


  1. No launching from the grass in front of carpark to avoid damaging a parking car again.
  2. Entering any private property along the ridge, either to launch, land or cross over is not permitted. Take care to keep owners happy with us, as we need their support.
  3. Don´t scare people by landing close to them especially from mid-Dec to beginning of January and at weekends.


Turn off the N2 between Knysna and Wilderness to Buffels Bay.

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IMPORTANT: The SAHPA Site Guide is not a substitute for a detailed site briefing from an instructor or experienced local pilot. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and relevance of information contained herein, pilots are reminded that the SAHPA Site Guide is based on a volunteer effort to make information freely available to the community and thus information may be out of date. Pilots are still required to use their discretion and common sense, and validate the information with each club.

Many of the sites described in the SAHPA Site Guide are privately owned. The landowner reserves the right to limit access to the site.